Good doc, bad doc routine

Here’s a video showing legalised torture (will automatically skip to the action at 18min 40sec).

Note: that really annoying talking in the background will fade away.

How to survive this?

I made a summary spreadsheet.




HypocraTV – Abdomen

Leicester University – Abdomen

Manchester University – PR exam

Swansea University – Abdomen

The OSCE Station – AbdomenPR exam




HippocraTV – Cardiovascular

Leicester University – Cardiovascular

Manchester University – Cardiovascular

Swansea University – Cardiovascular

The OSCE Station – Cardiovascular



Endocrinology i.e. Thyroid

Stanford University – Thyroid

The OSCE Station – Thyroid

Warwick Medical School – Thyroid




St Georges University – Sexual history taking

St Georges University – Urology history taking:

(Note: there is no Phase III)




Geeky Medics – multiple joints

Interactive Podcasting – multiple joints 

Oxford Medical Videos – multiple joints

RheumBoy – Knee exam

Royal Orthopaedic Hospital – multiple joints

Swansea University – multiple joints

Warwick Medical School – multiple joints

Wisconsin university – Knee




Dublin University – Detailed guide

Geeky Medics – Cranial nerves

MRCP PACES – Upper limbsLower limbs

Leicester University – Neuro examination, Cranial nerves

Manchester University – Upper Limb, Cranial nerves

The OSCE Station – Cranial nerves, upper limb, lower limbs

Warwick Medical School – Cranial nerves I-VI, VII-XII.



Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Manchester University


The OSCE Station – Cervical smear, cervical smear,



Paediatrics / Neonates

Pittsburgh University – Newborn examination (Right click to download)




See psychiatry page.




HippocraTV – Respiratory

St George’s University – Respiratory

Leicester University – Respiratory

Manchester University Respiratory

Swansea University – Respiratory

The OSCE Station – Peak flow, Respiratory, Xray 1, 2 , 3

Warwick Medical School – Respiratory




Manchester University – Reticulo-endothelial



Clinical Skills

Medical educator- ABG


Abdominal examination0.309 - 01 - 2014download
ABG, cannulation, IVI, IV Abx0.309 - 01 - 2014download
Antenatal clinic0.409 - 01 - 2014download
Blood transfusion0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Breaking bad news diabetes0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Breaking bad news ectopic0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Breaking bad news miscarriage0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Breaking bad news multiple sclerosis0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Cardiac arrest AED0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Cardiac arrest manual0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Cardiovascular examination0.309 - 01 - 2014download
Catheterisation0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Chest Xray download
Counselling contraception0.216 - 03 - 2014download
Counselling CABG0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Counselling hernia repair0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Counselling cholecystectomy0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Counselling TURP0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Digital rectal examination0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Endocrinology0.209 - 01 - 2014download
Gynae examination0.209 - 01 - 2014download
Hand examination0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Hernia0.209 - 01 - 2014download
Lower limb vascular examination0.209 - 01 - 2014download
Mental state examination0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Nasogastric tube0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Neurology cranial nerves0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Neurology examination0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Orthopaedic examination0.209 - 01 - 2014download
Parkinsons disease0.109 - 01 - 2014download
Respiratory examination0.309 - 01 - 2014download
Sexual history taking0.209 - 01 - 2014download
Stoma, AV fistua, CAPD0.209 - 01 - 2014download



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