Year 5 OSCE April 2013

Year 5 OSCE April 2013

14 Stations total, split over 2 days

Day 1

Station 1 – Thyroid and thyroid status exam
– Real patient with signs.
– Asked about symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, and investigations.

Station 2 – Respiratory exam
– Real patient (COPD).
– Asked about Differentials, and investigations.

Station 3 – Knee exam
– Real patient (OA)
– Asked about differentials, investigations, X-ray features of OA

Station 4 – ABCDE
– Acutely unwell breathless patient.
– Had to assess ABCDE.
– Asked about investigations and initial management
– Then had to interpret ABG, ECG, and CXR (patient had likely PE)

Station 5 – History & management
– Patient with chronic abdominal pains and change in bowel habits.
– Had to take hx and come to management plan with patient.

Station 6 – Skill
– Speculum examination and swabs.
– Simulated patient with pelvic model.

Station 7 – Management discussion
– Patient with AF recently seen by cardiologist who had recommended starting Warfarin.
– Had to discuss with pt and come to agreed plan (pt was concerned about starting as friends had said it was rat poison, and makes you bleed).

Day 2

Station 1 – Abdominal examination
– Real patient with PKD.
– Asked about investigations.

Station 2 – CV Exam
– Real patient, murmur (Aortic stenosis).
– Asked about Differentials and investigations for breathless patient.

Station 3 – Peripheral vascular exam
– Real patient.
– History of claudication.
– Asked about differentials and investigations.

Station 4 – Skill
– Setting up IV infusion from fluids already prescribed

Station 5 – History
– Woman with problems conceiving
– History suggestive of prolactinoma
– Asked about differentials, investigations, and what visual defect would expect to find on examination

Station 6 – History & management
– Patient with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder wanting another prescription for Zopiclone after increasing dose and taking with alcohol
– Asked about differentials and management.

Station 7 – History & management
– Patient with exacerbation of asthma.
– Had started taking ibuprofen (?cause of exacerbation).
– Had to take history.
– Asked about investigations, given results of examination, PEFR, and SpO2.
– Asked about management.