Year 4 OSCE Aug 2015

Year 4 OSCE August 2015 Resit

Station 1 – Hand Exam
– Diagnosis and why? (2 real patients)
– How would this cause trouble with ADLs?
– Management Plan?

Station 2 – Sexual Health History
– Young Female, lower abdo pain and discharge.
– DDx and why?
– Investigations and why?

Station 3 – Breast Exam (model on woman)
– What feature would suggest malignancy?
– How would you investigate?

Station 4 – Smear Test
– Brief Hx
– Preform Smear
– Fills forms

Station 5- Hyperthyroid History
– DDx and why?
– What investigations

Station 6 – Antenatal Exam
– 37w pregnant, Transverse lie: causes. Management

Station 7 – Record Temp, Pulse, Urine dip
– Proteinuria; had inc freq, dysuria.

Station 8- OCD Patient
– Had been given management choices 1w ago by GP.
– Came to discuss them; gauge current symps, and make a decision (Anti-depressants, CBT)

Station 9 – Bowel Obstruction
– History
– Investigations
– Interpret AXR

Station 10 – Cannulation

Station 11- Abdo History
– Right sided abdo pain. (Cholecystitis)

Station 12 – Paed History Vomiting
– 7wk old. Vomiting, dropped a centile on growth chart.
– Investigations and why.
– Interpret results – Cap blood gas, scan results

Station 13- Paediatric Cranial Nerves (Ocular)
– History of blurred vision, dizziness, nausea.
– DDx and why?
– Investigations.

Station 14 – Depression History (and risk)
– Pt had suicide attempt this morning, emergency GP appointment.
– Lots of family issues – husband lost job, child with chronic illness.
– Tearful SP

Station 15 – CV Exam (real Patient)
– Think they had two patients – (AF / ?murmur)
– Based on your findings – What Investigations and why.

Station 16 – Problems conceiving History
– Likely PCOS: Raised BMI (had to ask about weight, thin SP), Hirsutism, irreg periods.
– Investigations and why?