Year 3 OSCE Aug 2016 (resit)

Year 3 OSCE Aug 2016 (resit)

Our resits only had 12 stations because on the atual exams we only had 12 stations due to the doctor’s strike

Station 1 – CV exam
– AS.

Station 2 – Asthma Hx & analyse spirometry results

Station 3 – Paeds Hx
– Epilepsy.
– Triadic interview.
– Mother and child present.

Station 4 – Drugs S/E
– Anginal drugs.

Station 5 – Alchol Hx
– Use cage & DSM.

Station 6 – BLS

Station 7 – Change in bowel habit Hx

Station 8 – Abdo exam
– Billiary colic.

Station 9 – Paeds Hx
– Meningicoccal septicaemia.
– Asked ix for dx

Station 10- Urine Dip
– Showed glucose +ve.
– Would ask pt to come again for OGTT- having fasted.
– Possible Dx = T2DM.

Station 11- Drug Counselling

Station 12 – Breast cancer Hx + consent for breast exam