Year 3 OSCE April 2016
Year 3 OSCE April 2016
Due to junior doctor strikes, procedural skills were removed from the OSCEs so we only had 10 stations. Pass mark was 7/10
Station 1:
MSE video on psychotic patient (Likely schizophrenia)
Station 2:
Peads history on failure to thrive, but mother had post-natal depression
Station 3:
Cardiovascular exam with mitral regurg question
Station 4:
Vascular history – Intermittent claudication
Station 5:
Falls history – Postural hypotension caused by drugs
Station 6:
Respiratory exam with real patient and COPD signs
Station 7:
Paeds respiratory history for pneumonia with test results interpretation
Station 8:
Abdo exam on lymphoma patient (patients got swapped to 5th years, but there should have been clinical signs)
Station 9:
GI history of diarrhoea – Patient was on antibiotics, likely C. Dif
Station 10:
Respiratory breathlessness history – Heart failure diagnosis