Year 2 OSCE June 2017
Year 2 OSCE, JUNE 2017
Station 1 – Antibiotic Sensitivity
- Aseptic technique of spreading culture on plate
- Place 3 discs of antibiotic on plate
- Measure zones of inhibition and fill out sheet interpreting antibiotic sensitivity
Station 2 – Inhaler Technique
- Demonstrate proper inhaler and spacer technique to a simulated patient
Station 3 – CNS Anatomy
- Where does spinothalamic tract decussate?
- Point to falx cerebrii, thalamus, internal capsule
- Which muscles are involved in accommodation reflex?
- Where would you make incision to drain middle ear? Why?
- Bones that form the pterion? Which artery runs deep to pterion?
- Where do blood vessels that supply the brain lie?
- Point to lamina on spine? Which spinal vertebrae is this?
- Point to cranial nerves on model of brainstem
- Point to and name foramen that cranial nerve V passes through
Station 4 – Renal Clearance
- Make standards from 3 known concentrations (3:1 ratio with Ferric Nitrate)
- Measure absorbance in Spectrophotometer (blank using diluent)
- Two unknown patient samples – Add ferric nitrate in same ratio and measure absorbance
- Given a standard curve to read off concentration of drug
Station 5 – Respiratory Exam
Station 6 – Lower Limb Motor Exam
- Some students were asked to name all myotomes tested
Station 7 – Prothrombin Time
- Not given much information in station and not prompted to move onto next part
- Make sure to warm plasma and thromboplastin in water bath for 1 minute
- Start timer when mixed and check every 15 seconds – seemed to be a wide variety of times between students
- Given the PT of somebody taking warfarin and also the ISI of thromboplastin you used. Work out the INR of this patient (not given equation!)
- Use answer to comment on dosage of warfarin and if it is appropriate (I believe it was too high?)
- Finally comment on if you would expect any change in PT if patient had Liver Failure or Glanzmanns Thrombocytopaenia
Station 8 – Patient History (Stroke)
- Neuro history of patient who is visiting GP following TIA the night before
Station 9 – Lower Limb Anatomy
- Name one structure that appears superior and one structure that appears inferior to the piriformis
- Point to gluteus medius, gracilis (plus innervation and nerve root), sciatic nerve, tibial tuberosity, tibialis anterior (and role), Navicular bone
- Name borders of femoral triangle and contents medial to lateral
- Which muscles form the calcaneal tendon?
- Point to and name origin of hamstrings
- What is the role of the hamstrings?
- Point to posterior cruciate ligament – How would you test integrity?
Station 10 – Venepuncture
- Communicate with a simulated patient and fill in all relevant paperwork also
Station 11 – Ethics (Hepatitis C)
- Ethical discussion involving whether you should force patient with suspected Hep C to have a blood test
- Should you disclose to patient’s sexual partner?