Year 2 OSCE June 2016
Year 2 OSCE June 2016
Station 1 – CNS Anatomy
– Identify falx cerebri, location of a cranial nerve coming off the brain stem.
– What is the pterion and what bones compose it and what artery runs underneath it.
– Between what layers of the meninges would a bleed from the arteries that supply the brain run into etc.
Station 2 – CVS History taking
– Patient with angina pain in a cardiology clinic.
Station 3 – Urine dipstick
– From 2 patients and interpret results.
Station 4 – Lower limb neuro examination
Station 5 – Venepuncture
– Choose correct coloured bottle (chart is given) and label bottle and form.
Station 6 – Vital signs
– Manual BP, pulse and respiratory rate.
– Record these on a piece of paper.
Station 7 – Upper limb anatomy
– What muscle does the musculocutaneous nerve pierce
– What does an upper brachial plexus legion produce
– Identify brachial artery, and where does the axillary artery become the brachial artery
– Identify the median nerve
– What is the roof of the carpal tunnel
– Point to hypothenar eminence etc
Station 8 – Antibiotic sensitivity testing
– Aseptic technique of spreading plate and then placing discs.
– Interpreting measurements from sensitivity rings.
Station 9 – Prothrombin time
– Conduct PT.
– Use results to calculate INR and interpret results regarding Warfarin dose.
Station 10 – Inhaler
– Explain and show patient how to use an inhaler and the spacer.
Station 11 – Ethics
– Discuss with psychosocial lecturers about the ethics of a given case e.g. a patient with hep. C won’t disclose status to sexual partner
Station 12 – Virtual station