Year 1 OSCE June 2017
Year 1 OSCE June 2017
Day 1
Station 1 Ethics
– Mother has said in birth plan that she wants a natural birth, husband is away and neighbour is waiting outside. she is screaming in pain and the consultant believes an epidural would be best for her.
– Law – what is the law surrounding consent and how to determine capacity.
– Using schools of ethics (non-maleficence, beneficence, justice, autonomy) discuss whether the consultant should administer the epidural.
– Confidentiality- should you tell the neighbour what is going on when she asks you?
Station 2 Anatomy – CNS
– Identify on models and prosection.
– Pre-central gyrus, dorsal columns and spinothalamic tracts (and state functions), pons, calcarine fissure, primary visual cortex, Broca’s area and what lobe its in, substantia nigra and its clinical relevance, dura mater, superior sagittal sinus and give 2 functions, cerebellum and 2 functions, 2 cranial nerves that originate from the medulla.
Station 3 Genetic pedigree
– Interview GP, find out information about their patient.
– Draw the genetic diagram.
– Determine the mode of inheritance.
– Calculate the chance that she is a carrier.
– Ask for consent to use in portfolio.
Station 4 Spirometry
– Complete spirometry trace using SP.
– Turn over cards and identify the lung volumes on the trace you made.
– Given asphyxia trace, calculate breathing rate for first and last minutes of the trace.
– Explain the reflex involved.
Station 5 Colourimetry
– Calibrate colourimeter using water as blank.
– Use colourimeter to determine Abs of unknown sample.
– Use given calibration curve to calculate the concentration of unknown sample.
– Use given values to calculate the clearance of the drug.
Station 6 Heart auscultation
– Auscultate all 4 valves on the SP.
– Identify the valves on a model.
– Identify the heart borders on a skeleton.
Day 2
Station 1 Patient interview
– Interview patient with suspected alcoholism.
Station 2 Anatomy – Abdomen
– Identify on models and prosection.
– Falciform ligament and what runs through it, uncinate process, appendix, mcburney’s point, inferior mesenteric artery, spleen and what ribs overly it, splenic artery, what vertebral level does the origin of the splenic artery arise from, splenic vein, hepatic portal vein and what drains into it, what part of the embryo does the inferior mesenteric artery arise from, McBurney’s point.
Station 3 Histology
– Set up microscope.
– Identify slide (kidney).
– Identify key parts of the nephron on the model.
Station 4 Cranial Nerves
– Test cranial nerves 3,5,7,11 on the SP.
– Explain what you are doing and why to the examiner.
Station 5 Microbiology
– Streak plate of unknown sample.
– Given multiple test results and asked to fill in table with positive/negative result.
– Determine which bacteria is causing the patient’s UTI.