Year 1 OSCE Jan 2017
Year 1 OSCE Jan 2017
Station 1 – ECG
– Set patient up for ECG, Record Leads I,II,III.
Questions: 1) Identify P wave and P-R interval 2) Calculate instantaneous Heart Rate, comment on the value.
Station 2 – PCR
– Make a Sample and a Control using the amounts provided in the table.
– Clinical skill is pipetting technique.
– Load two samples into the agrose gels.
Station 3 – Blood Sample
– Set up Glucapen (make sure to dispose of the waste materials in correct places), the blood is not taken from the prosthetic arm but inject into either finger or thumb them dispose of needle. Then take a blood sample from vile to create a blood slide.
– Then asked to pick two out of four cards (all immune cells) facing down, and identify on separate laminated card which one is the immune cell that you have chosen and their structure and function.
Station 4
– Mrs Lynn has come to see her GP one year after she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer for a check up.