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All conditions from A-Z with every useful link I can find/make.
A mixture of: eLearning | Audio/Video (AV) | Guidelines | Easy Flow Algorithms (EFA)
Aimed at the generalist, not the specialist.
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Abdominal aortic aneurysm | A/V 1
Abdominal pain | A/V 1 / 2
Abdominal pain (child) | Guidelines Devon | EFA
Abnormal TFT | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Abnormal UEs | EFA
Achalasia | A/V 1
Achilles tendon rupture | A/V 1
Acne | A/V 2 | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Acromegaly | EFA
Acute confusion | A/V 1 / 2
Acute coronary syndrome | | A/V 1 / 2
ADHD | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Addisons disease | Guidelines GGC | EFA
Aggressive patient | / Mims
Alcohol misuse | A/V 1 / 2
Allergies | Pulse / Pulse | A/V 1 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 | Guidelines Devon1/2 | EFA
Alopecia | A/V 1 | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Anal pathologies | A/V 1 / 2 | EFA
Anaphylaxis | Guidelines Devon
Angina | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 | EFA
Ankylosing spondilitis | EFA
Anxiety | A/V 1 / 2 (also look at ‘Depression’) | EFA
Arrhythmia – Pulse | 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 |
Arthritis | A/V 1
Asbestos | A/V 1 | EFA
Asthma – PCRS | Videos 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 | Guidelines | EFA
Atrial fibrillation | Guidelines Camden / Devon | EFA
Autism | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Baby milks | A/V 1
Bacterial vaginosis – HPA
Back pain | eLfH | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Balanitis | Guidelines
Basal cell carcinoma | EFA
Behavioural problems | eLfH
Bell’s palsy | EFA
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo | A/V | Guidelines Devon
Benzodiazepines | A/V 1 / 2
Bereavement | A/V 1 / 2
Bile acid diarrhoea | A/V 1
Bipolar disease | A/V 1 / 2
Bow legs | EFA
Bowen’s disease | EFA
Brain tumour – GatewayC | A/V 1
Breast cancer (familial) | Guidelines Devon
Breast lump | A/V 1
Breast feeding – | A/V 1 / 2
Breast lump (child) | EFA
Breast pain | Guidelines Devon
Breath-holding | EFA
Breathlessness | A/V 1
Brief resolved unexplained event | EFA
Bronchiectasis | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Bronchiolitis | A/V 1
Burning mouth syndrome | EFA
Burnout | A/V 1
Burns | A/V 1
Calcium metabolism | eLfH
Cardiac murmurs | Guidelines Camden
Cardiomyopathy | A/V 1 / 2 / 3
Cardiology diagnostics | A/V 1
Cardiology (paediatrics) | A/V 1
Cardiology (pregnancy) | A/V 1
Cardiology update | A/V 1
Cardiovascular disease in women | A/V 1
Cauda Equina Syndrome | Infographic
Cervical polyp | Guidelines | EFA
Chaperone | A/V 1
Chicken pox | Guidelines NHS GGC
Chondrodermatitis nodularis | EFA
Chronic fatigue syndrome | A/V 1 / 2
Chronic lymphocytic laeukaemia | Guidelines Devon
Clear cell acanthoma | EFA
Coeliac disease | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 | EFA
Colorectal cancer | GatewayC
Communication – SCIE | 1 / 2 / 3
Concussion | A/V 1 | EFA
Congenital heart disease | A/V 1
Consent, confidentiality, capacity | Mims / Mims / Mims | 1
Constipation | A/V 1 | Guidelines GGC / Camden 1 / 2
COPD | PCRS | Videos 1 / 2 / 3 | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Cough | A/V 1 | Guidelines Devon | UMEM Pearls (child) / EFA
Cow milk allergy | Pulse | A/V 1 | Guidelines Camden
Croup | A/V 1 / 2
Crying baby | A/V 1
Cystic fibrosis | A/V 1
Death certifications | EFA
Delaying period | EFA
Delirium | EFA
Dementia | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 | EFA
Depression (child) | A/V 1 / 2
Deprivation of liberty | A/V 1
Dermatofibroma | EFA
Dermatome map | Picture
Dermatology update | 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Dermatopathology | Study PRN
Dermoscopy survival guide | EFA
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip | EFA
Developmental problems | 1
Diabetic foot | 1
Diet | 1
Insulin | 1 / 2
Nephropathy | 1 / 2
Remote reviews | 1
Diabetic ketoacidosis | A/V 1
Diarrhoea | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 | Guidelines GGC
Dizziness | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Duty of candour | A/V 1
DVT | A/V 1 | EFA
Dyspareunia | A/V 1 / 2
Dyspepsia | Pulse | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 | Guidelines GGC1/2 / Camden
Dysphagia | A/V 1 | Guidelines Devon
Dysphonia | Guidelines Devon
Eating disorders | 1 / 2
Ear pathologies | EFA
ECG | 1 / 2 / 3 | EFA
eGFR calculator % drop MediMaps | 1
Elbow pain | A/V 1 / 2 / 3
Elder abuse | eLfH
Electrocution | A/V 1
Encephalitis | A/V 1
Encephalopathy | A/V 1
Endometriosis | A/V 1 / 2 | EFA
ENT | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 | EFA
ENT (child) | A/V 1
Enuresis | EFA
Eosinophilic oesophagitis | A/V 1
Epilepsy | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 | EFA (bottom right corner)
Epilepsy (pregnancy) | A/V 1
Epistaxis | Guidelines Devon1/2 | EFA
Erectile dysfunction | Pulse | Guidelines Camden
Erythema nodosum | EFA
Evidence based medicine | eLfH
Exercise induced bronchoconstriction | A/V 1
Facial pain | A/V 1
Failure to thrive | A/V 1
Faints and funny turns | A/V 1
Falls | A/V 1
Fertility | A/V 1 / 2 / 3
Fever | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Fibroids | EFA
Fibromyalgia | Pulse | A/V 1
First aid (babies) | A/V 1
Fitness to fly | A/V 1
Flat feet | EFA
Foot pain | 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 | EFA
Foot rashes | EFA
Foreign body injection | A/V 1
Fracture | A/V 1
Fractured nose | Guidelines Devon
Functional disorders | EFA
Gait abnormalities | A/V / 2
Gallbladder polyps | Guidelines West Midlands
Gallstones | A/V 1 / 2 | Guidelines Devon
Gambling | A/V 1
Gastrointestinal bleed | A/V 1
Gastrointestinal cancer | Risk score
Gastro oesophageal reflux disease – Mims | A/V 1 / 2 | EFA (child)
Genetics – eLfH | A/V 1
Giant cell arteritis | EFA
Gout | Guidelines GGC
Growing pains | EFA
Growth hormone deficiency – Study PRN
Gynaecology | A/V
Gynaecological examination | A/V 1
Gynaecology (paediatrics) | A/V 1 | Guidelines Devon
Gynaecomastia | A/V Guidelines Devon
Haemangioma, angiokeratoma, lymphangioma | EFA
Haematospermia | Guidelines Camden
Haematuria | A/V 1 / 2 | Guidelines Camden
Haemorrhoids | Guidelines Devon
Hand dermatosis | A/V 1 / 2
Hand and wrist pathologies | A/V 1 / 2 | EFA
Head injuries | A/V 1 / 2
Health promotion | eLfH
Heart failure | | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 | Guidelines Camden / Devon | EFA
Heavy menstrual bleeding | Guidelines Camden
Hepatitis | 1 | Guidelines Camden 1 / 2
Herbal medicines in pregnancy | SPS
Hernia | Guidelines Devon
Hernia (child) | EFA
Hip pain | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 | EFA
HIV | eLfH | A/V 1
Hypercalcaemia | Guidelines GGC
Hyperhydrosis | Pulse
Hyperkalaemia | Guidelines GGC
Hypermobility | A/V 1
Hypersalivation | Guidelines Surrey
Hypernatraemia | Guidelines GGC
Hypertension | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 | Guidelines Camden / Devon | EFA
Hyperthyroidism | A/V 1
Hypocalcaemia | Guidelines GGC
Hypokalaemia | Guidelines GGC
Hypomagnasaemia | Guidelines GGC
Hyponatraemia | A/V 1 | Guidelines GGC
Hypophosphataemia | Guidelines GGC
Hypothyroidism | 1 | Guidelines Devon
Immunisations | eLfH
Impetigo | EFA
Incontinence | A/V 1 / 2 / 3
Infant feeding problem |
Infections | EFA
Infectious mononucleosis | A/V 1
Inflammatory bowel disease | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 | RCGP Toolkit | EFA
Inhaler technique | A/V 1
Insomnia | A/V 1 / 2
Interstitial cystitis | EFA
In toeing | EFA
Irritable bowel syndrome | A/V 1 | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Joint examinations remotely | A/V 1
Joint injections | A/V 1 / 2 | ACJ 1/2 | Biceps ten. 1 | CMC 1 | Carpal tun. 1 | GH joint 1 | | Knee 1 | Olecranon bur. 1 | Plantar fas. 1 | Sub. acr 1/2 | Trigger finger 1 | Troch. bur 1 | |
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis | EFA
Juvenile plantar dermatosis | EFA
Keratosis pilaris | EFA
Knee pathologies | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 | EFA
Lasting power of attorney | A/V 1 | EFA
Late onset hypogonadism | EFA
Leukaemia | GatewayC | A/V 1
Lip licking dermatitis | EFA
Lipoedema | RCGP
Liver disease | A/V 1
Liver lesions (incidental) | A/V 1
Loss of consciousness | Mims | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 | Guidelines Camden
Lower urinary tract symptoms | A/V 1 | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Lyme disease | A/V 1 | EFA
Lymphadenopathy | Guidelines Devon
Malabsorption |
Malignant melanoma | Study PRN
Mapping uncertainty in medicine | EFA
Mastering clinical examination | EFA
Mastitis | A/V 1
Maternal deaths | A/V 1
Maternal health | A/V 1
Medical record keeping | Mims
Medically unexplained symptoms | A/V 1 /2 / 3 | See ‘Functional disorder’s’ EFA
Meningitis – eLfH / RCPCH
Menstrual disorders | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 10 / 11 | Guidelines Camden 1 / 2 | EFA
Metastatic spinal cord compression – BMJ
Mindfulness | A/V 1
Miscarriage | A/V 1
Mouth ulcers | EFA
Multiple myeloma | A/V 1 | GatewayC | EFA
Multiple sclerosis |
Murmur (child) | Guidelines NHS GGC
Nappy rash | HPA
Neck lumps (child) | Guidelines NHS GGC
Neck pain | 1 / 2
Nerve entrapment | A/V 1
Neurofibromatosis | HFA
Neurological mastering clinical examination | EFA
Neurology red flags | A/V 1
Neuropathy | A/V 1
Newborn baby check | EFA
Newborn presentations | EFA
Non blanching rash | Guidelines NHS GGC
Non steroidal anti-inflammatories | A/V 1
Nose pathologies | EFA
Obesity | eLfH
Obstetric calculator Ob Wheel
Obstetric emergencies | A/V 1
Obstructive sleep apnoea | PCRS | A/V 1 | EFA
Ophthalmology review | A/V 1 / 2
Ophthalmology (cataracts) | eLfH
Ophthalmology (double vision) – eLfH | A/V 1
Ophthalmology (examination) | A/V 1
Ophthalmology (foreign body/trauma) | eLfH / A/V 1
Ophthalmology (glaucoma) | eLfH
Ophthalmology (paediatrics) | A/V | eLfH | EFA
Ophthalmology (pain) | A/V 1
Ophthalmology (red eye) | eLfH
Ophthalmology (retinal problem) | eLfH | A/V 1
Ophthalmology (visual loss) | eLfH
Opioid prescribing and dependence | A/V 1 / 2 | Calculator
Oral pathology | EFA
Orthopaedics (child) | EFA
Orthopaedics knee pathologies | EFA
Osteoarthritis | A/V 1 / 2 / 3
Otitis externa | Guidelines Devon
Ovarian cancer | BMJ | A/V 1 / 2 / 3
Ovarian cyst | Guidelines Redditch | EFA
Ovarian mass | A/V 1
Overdiagnosis | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Paediatric orthopaedics | EFA
Paediatric urology | EFA
Paediatric red flags | A/V 1 / 2
Paget’s disease | EFA
Pain | Pulse | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Palpitations | Guidelines Camden / Devon | EFA
Pancreatic cancer | GatewayC
Pancreatic insufficiency |
Parkinsons disease | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 | Guidelines GGC
Patient safety | eLfH
Pelvic floor exercises | A/V 2
Pelvic pain | A/V 1 / 2
Perforated tympanic membrane | Guidelines Devon
Perinatal mental health | A/V 1 / 2 / 3
Peripheral arterial disease | EFA
Personality disorders | A/V 1
Perthes | EFA
Pitted keratolysis | EFA
Pityriasis rosea | EFA
Pityriasis versicolor | EFA
Pituitary problems – eLfH | A/V 1
Placebo | A/V 1
Plagiocephaly | EFA
Plantar fasciitis | A/V 1
Pneumothorax | BMJ | Guidelines GGC
Polycystic ovaries | A/V 1 / 2 | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Polymyalgia rheumatica | EFA
Pompholyx | EFA
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) | A/V 1 | EFA
Poxvirus | A/V 1
Pregnancy problems | 1
Prescribing (child) – RCPCH
Primary biliary cholangitis | A/V 1
Prolactinaemia | EFA
Prostatitis | Guidelines Camden
Protracted Bacterial Bronchitis (child) | Guidelines Sheffield
Prurigo | EFA
Pruritis | EFA DRAFT version
Psoriasis | Study PRN | A/V 1 / 2 | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Psychosexual disorders | A/V 1
Psychodermatology | Study PRN
Psychosis (child) | A/V 1
Pulmonary embolism | EFA
Rash | A/V 1 / 2
Raynauds | EFA
Rectal bleeding | Guidelines Camden
Reflux (child) | EFA
Renal colic | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 | Guidelines Camden
Renal failure | A/V 1
Renal stones | EFA
Restless leg syndrome | EFA
Rheumatic fever | A/V 1
Rheumatoid arthritis | EFA
Rheumatology update | A/V 1
Rhinitis | Mims / Mims / Pulse | 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Road traffic accident | A/V 1 / 2
Rosacea | EFA
Safeguarding | Mims | 1 / 2 / 3
Scrotal disorders | Guidelines Camden / North of Tyne
Sebaceous hyperplasia & sebaceous adenoma | EFA
Seborrhoeic dermatitis | EFA
Seborrhoeic keratosis, Solar Lentigo, LPLK | EFA
Sexually transmitted infections | A/V | EFA
Shingles | EFA
Shortness of breath | A/V 1 / 2
Short stature | 1
Sinusitis | A/V 1 | Guidelines Devon
Six week baby check | A/V 1 / 2
Sjogrens disease | EFA
Skin cancer (AK-Bowens-SCC) | EFA
Skin cancer (BCC) | EFA
Sleep apnoea | A/V
Sleep myoclonus (child) | EFA
Sleep problems (child) | RCPCH
Smoking cessation | PCRS / Pulse
Snoring | Guidelines Devon
Spinal disease | A/V 1 / 2 / 3
Spirometry | A/V 1 / 2 / 3
STI (child) | RCPCH
Sticky eye (newborn) | EFA
Stress | A/V 1
Stroke / TIA | A/V 1 / 2 / 3
Substance misuse (child) – RCPCH
Sudden cardiac death | A/V 1 / 2 / 3
Sudden infant death syndrome | eLfH
Superior vena cava obstruction | Guidelines GGC
Systemic lupus erythematous | A/V 1
Telephone/video consultations | A/V 1
Temporal arteritis | EFA
Temperomandibular joint disorder | A/V
Throat pathologies | EFA
Throat (stuck sensation) | Guidelines Devon
Thyroid blood abnormalities | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Tinea | EFA
Tinnitus | Guidelines Devon
Tongue tie | A/V 1 | EFA
Transient loss of consciousness | EFA
Travel (pregnant) | A/V 1
Tremor | EFA
Trigeminal neuralgia | A/V 1 / 2
Unprofessionalism | A/V 1
Upper limb problems | A/V 1
Urinary incontinence & prolapse | A/V 1 / 2 | Guidelines Camden
Urinary tract infections | EFA
Urinary tract infections (child) | A/V 1 | EFA
Urology (child) | EFA
Urological problems | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 | EFA
Urticaria | Guidelines Devon | EFA
Vaginal prolapse | A/V 1
Vaginal thrush | HPA
Valvular heart disease | 1 / 2
Varicose eczema | EFA
Varicose veins | 1
Vasculitis | Pulse | A/V 1 | EFA
Viral exanthems | eLfH
Vitamin D | A/V 1
Vitiligo | EFA
Vomiting (pregnant) – | A/V 1 / 2 | Guidelines Redditch | EFA
Vulval disease – Pulse | A/V 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 | Guidelines Camden | EFA
Wheeze | A/V 1 / 2
Wound management | Study PRN