Year 2 OSCE June 2014

Year 2 OSCE June 2014

Day 1

Station 1 – CNS Anatomy
– Dura mater, pia mater
– What layer the blood vessels sit and and what the space is called (sub arachnoid)
– Point out falx cerebri
– Point out lateral fissure and what lobes it separates
– Point out inter ventricular foramen and what ventricles it separates
– Pre-central cortex and it’s function
– Thalamus, internal capsule, substantia nigra and associated disease (parkinson’s)
– Function of temporal lobe and it’s blood supply
– Point out the facial nerve on a brainstem model and what muscles movements its involved in

Station 2 – GI Examination
– Also measure temperature and pulse as well

Station 3 – Antibiotic sensitivity disks
– Prepare a plate to test bacterial sensitivity from a liquid culture.

– Measure zones of clearance of a given sample, MIC determination, and comment on sensitivity/resistance and consequence for the patient.

4) Prothrombin time
– Measure prothrombin time
– Work out INR (Someone on warfarin) – comment on if this is expected and whether you would continue the medication
– Given two diseases (Liver failure & glanzmann’s thrombasthenia) and have to comment on whether PT would be normal, decreased or increased.

5) Lower motor examination

6) Urinalysis
– Three samples to test. Explain what results mean
– Answer questions on what follow up could be done based on the results e.g. blood, protein etc.

Day 2

Station 1 – Upper Limb Anatomy
– Roots of brachial plexus
– Muscle that performs flexion at the elbow (nerve supply?)
– Find deltoid and what is it’s nerve supply
– Find flexor carpi ulnaris and what are it’s actions?
– Find infraspinatus, what other muscle performs lateral rotation of the shoulder?
– Find the nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel, what is it? (median)
– What makes up the roof of the carpal tunnel (flexor retinaculum)
– Point to hypothenar eminence, what is it’s nerve supply?

Station 2 – Patient counselling
– Demonstrate and teach a recently diagnosed asthma patient how to use an inhaler and a spacer device

Station 3 – Patient history
– Presenting complaint = 2 year discomfort in chest, worse recently, feels like food getting stuck

Station 4 – CVS Examination

Station 5 – Venepuncture

Station 6 – Virtual station